Corey Hiben

Host of The Health Hustle Podcast - Austin Texas

His journey into fitness started after a devastating breakup, which eventually led to him working as a personal trainer and an occupational therapist.

Through much pain and self discovery, he eventually realized that his strengths are not in B2C but are B2B.

This is when he eventually branched off from seeing clients and treating patients to helping health & fitness brands grow and market their business.

Corey is a part-time community builder, part-time podcaster, part-time marketer, and full-time living a life he doesn't need a vacation from.

A typical day.

- Wake up and stare at the sun.
- Drink copious amounts of black gold.
- Create something.
- Workout.
- Eat whole foods.
- Work with health and fitness brands.
- Walk.
- Eat more food.
- Go on a run.
- Learn something new.
- Tape my mouth and go to bed.

Over the years I have worked with a lot of people.

From physical therapists, chiropractors, functional medicine docs, personal trainers, gym owners, and everything in between.

Through all of those engagements, I have learned a lot about starting, growing, and building a health business that fits your lifestyle.

Just like your health, there is no one-size-fits-model. There are many paths to building a business, and it all comes down to what's right for you.

I enjoy helping people get there.

Corey Hiben headshot

Questions Corey is always ready to answer

  • Why did you decide to get into marketing?
  • Why did you decide to start a podcast show?
  • How did you end up in Austin Texas?
  • What is the biggest mistake people make with their marketing?
  • What is your favorite quote?
  • When did you know you wanted to start your own business?
  • How did you get interested in health & fitness?