Your heading should answer 3 questions at the TOP of your page.
Page = website, social media, events, etc. 👇
What do you offer?
STOP trying to be cute or clever.
START being clear.
Your CLARITY will differentiate you from your competition.
If someone buys, how will it make your customer’s life better?
Better health?
More time?
More peace?
Better relationships?
Less pain?
State it in a SINGLE sentence.
Yes, we know your solution solves all world problems… save that for the call.
What do they need to do to buy it?
Don’t be passive-aggressive like my Minnesota friends.
Clearly state what you want them to do.
”Set up an appointment”
”Schedule a call”
”Buy Now”
Make your intentions CLEAR.
Nobody likes ambiguity.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle
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