Want to attract people to you?
Have a compelling mission.
Everyone has a mission.
It doesn’t have to be HUGE but it does have to be meaningful to you.
What’s the change you want to see in the world?
What would mean the most to you and your community?
The more compelling your mission.
The more people will rally behind you.
Give your community a reason to rally.
Be a community organizer.
Be the person people turn to in your community.
Your community might not want want to push your brand.
But they will want to push your mission.
Create a space for people to come together.
Invite interesting people to support the bigger mission.
Be the “guy” or “gal” that people follow.
When choosing your mission.
Keep this in mind.
It helps to be obsessed with it.
But if you’re not, at least be genuinely interested in it.
If you’re not interested in it, you won’t stick with it.
Choose something that gets you excited (and possibly even scares you).
Don’t choose a mission you’re not interested in.
People can smell fake a mile away.
Obsession comes when people start to rally.
Take home point…
- Rally people with a compelling mission.
- Be the organizer of that mission.
- Be genuinely interested in it.
This newsletter was inspired by my latest podcast interview with Brian Sanders.
Next week you’ll get my top 3 highlights from season 2 of The Health Hustle.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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