3 Tip Tuesday's: Be yourself, everyone else is taken.
Sent by Corey Hiben
December 26, 2023
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Helping Healthcare & Fitness Professionals Attract Leads”
Estimated read time: 2 minutes & 56 seconds.
I’ve asked 100+ health and fitness business owners for their best marketing advice.
Here it is in a nutshell.
“Be yourself, everyone else is taken.”
1. Know
There’s no shortcut to discovering yourself.
You have to try stuff.
I’ve done a lot of dumb things in my lifetime.
- Dumped my dad’s motorcycle (twice).
- Drank so much I slept in a closet.
- Pooped my pants in Mexico.
- Went scuba diving without being certified.
But I wouldn’t take back a single one.
They revealed hidden truths about who I am.
- I’m more adventurous than I thought I was.
- I don’t enjoy drinking.
- My gut is strong, but not that strong.
- Mountains > oceans
They also give me a platform to speak from.
To share my knowledge with the world.
I now use these experiences in all of my marketing.
It’s what makes me, me.
So here’s my advice for helping you discover you.
Try stuff -> reflect -> repeat.
Even the dumb stuff.

2. Express
You have two options.
Be judged or be ignored.
I used to choose to be ignored.
- No controversial topics.
- No strong beliefs.
- No counter-intuitive ideas.
I now embrace the judgment.
- Difficult topics.
- Personal beliefs.
- Ah-ha moments.
Honest expression doesn’t mean being brash.
I’m not trying to offend anyone.
I’m just openly expressing myself.
The right people will join me for the ride.
The wrong people will move on with their life.

3. Accept
If you’re hiding your failures.
You’re missing the point.
Don’t only show your victories.
Tell a story.
Here is some feedback I got from one of my friends/followers about failures.
“Your Instagram slays! But part of the reason I was going to unfollow you was because it’s partially motivating and annoying at the same time!
I’ve been changing the way I look at social media. It’s becoming a place for EVERYONE to market to everyone else, so it’s actually starting to SUCK so. I’ve been very aware of that and trying to unfollow or X out anyone who appears to be “marketing” to me.
The big dogs that are super consistent start to just become noise and annoying. It’s just too much I suppose. Since you are so unbelievably consistent with your content, it becomes a bit redundant. I don’t get to see anything that my friend Corey is struggling with or what’s going on at a high personal level. I just see all the Health Hustle stuff or all the content for your brand.
Again, awesome job, but since everyone else is marketing to me at a high level, I’m trying to see less of that and more of the REAL stuff. In the beginning, social media was designed to stay connected to each other and give us the ability to share cool shit with each other. Now it’s used to build our brand and market to each other and make each other feel bad because we aren’t doing cool shit even though we are all doing cool shit.
Your stuff does absolutely look produced. I want to see the videos of you doing a squat and falling flat on your ass! I don’t want to see the edited life of Corey. Let me see the vulnerable and authentic parts of your life.
Comment on more of your friend’s shit and tag other people that might want to get in on that conversation. I think that is where the GOLD is at.
I hope this helps, and let me know your thoughts on it.”
My thoughts?
He nailed it.
Embrace the wins AND the losses.
There are lessons in both.

Take home point…
- Know yourself.
- Express yourself
- Accept yourself.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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