3 Tip Tuesday's: Create compelling content and get leads
Sent by Corey Hiben
August 29, 2023
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Helping Healthcare & Fitness Professionals Attract Leads”
Estimated read time: 1 minute & 42 seconds.
Compelling content = More customers.
Here’s my 3-step formula.
1. Topics
Struggling to come up with content ideas?
Here’s one that never fails.
Speak from experience.
If you’ve been following me for a while.
You’ve noticed I tell a lot more stories.
Like my most recent blog about gamifying your life.
That’s because personal stories answer an important question.
“Why should I listen to you?”
Speaking from personal experience makes the answer to that question obvious.
I’ve done it… Therefore I must know something about it.
Here’s a simple framework for unlimited topic ideas:
- Do stuff that interests you
- Document what you learn
- Create content about it
Don’t speak in hypotheticals.
Speak from experience.

2. Hooks
If your content doesn’t have a hook.
You might be a fool.
- Would you run 26.2 miles without stretching?
- Would you deadlift 325lbs without warming up?
- Would you eat a meal without including protein?
Maybe… but it would be foolish.
Yet, I see the same thing with content.
Great content, but no hook.
Here’s the easiest way to create a compelling hook.
Paint a picture of your customer’s problem.
- “Having difficulties getting up in the morning?”
- “Don’t like what you see in the mirror?”
- “Can’t stop raiding the pantry at night?”
A great hook reflects the problems your customer faces.

3. Social Norms
Your local gym has social norms.
And so do content platforms.
I love working out at LA Fitness because nobody talks to me.
It’s the introvert in me.
The social norm is “Get in, get out, I got things to do.”
I love Instagram.
The social norm is “food, fitness, and positivity.”
My algorithm is anyway.
It takes time to learn social norms.
This is why I recommend sticking to one platform.
Here’s how to learn platform social norms fast:
- Look at the content that is doing well
- Create content that resembles it
- Post it and see how it does
- Learn, rinse, and repeat
Master one platform before moving on to the next.

Take home point…
- The best content comes from your personal life.
- Hook people by talking about their problems.
- Learn the social norms of a content platform.
My interview with Yancy Culp inspired this email.
Alex Hormozi also inspired this content.
Next week, you’ll learn how this guy serves others by healing his trauma.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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