Don't Be a Generalist: The Power of Niche Marketing for Health Brands
Sent by Corey Hiben
September 10, 2024

“Marketing Tips for Health Brands”
Estimated read time: 3 minute & 8 seconds.
Do you feel like a small fish in a sea of big health brands?
Do you feel like you’re trying to compete with countless other brands and are vying for the same customers?
What if I told you there is a way to stand out, attract a loyal following, AND become the go-to expert in your field?
1. Who’s it for?
Do you even know who you’re marketing to?
This is 100% absolutely the most crucial step I see when working with health brands, and ironically, it is also the most skipped step.
People come to me looking for help with their marketing (which I love). However, when we start digging deeper into their business, it becomes clear that they still don’t know WHO they’re talking to.
I was just at my local farmers market and noticed that one of the booths was completely sold out of eggs while all the other booths selling eggs were still struggling to make sales.
How?… Because they know exactly WHO they are trying to connect with.
The farm is called Shirttail Creek, and it’s grown quite the reputation around town as a family-owned, regenerative farm that sells 100% pasture-raised eggs… with yolks as orange as a Texas sunset.
They have CLEARLY defined who they are targeting (people who value regenerative farming, good health, and small businesses). As a result… they are winning the market.
The lesson?
Every marketing strategy (and business, for that matter) should start by clearly defining who it’s for and how it’s different from everyone else in the market.

2. The Problem
Once you know WHO you’re talking to, it’s time to kick them in the crotch… ok, not literally, but definitely emotionally.
Back to my trip to the farmers market.
One of the growers there was selling microgreens, and when I walked up to his booth to check out his product, he almost immediately mentioned how much health is packed into his microgreens.
He even told me how they grow them to ensure they have the most nutrients possible.
“Brilliant,” 💡I thought to myself.
He directly addressed my PROBLEM (feeling like I'm not getting enough nutrition in my diet) and spoke about how his product was the key to solving this problem.
He was figurately kicking me in my crotch and talking to my pain points.
I didn’t end up buying it (but I was close) but he did exactly what any good marketer does… he was showing that he understood my challenges.
The lesson?
Show that you understand your customer’s PAIN before you provide a solution. Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.

3. The Solution
Once you know who you're talking to and can clearly articulate their problem, you need to be their "go-to" solution.
Back to my story about the famers market one last time.
The final booth I checked out was a cookie stand. If you know me, you know that I’m not a sweets guy (I’ll take a jar of peanut butter over sweets any day).
But there is ONE cooking in particular that I will eat at every opportunity. It’s called Kurty's Cookies. I don’t know how they make them, but what I do know is that if was looking for cookies for my next event… Kurty’s is the easiest choice on the planet.
They are, without question, best in class. They have made their product so good that even a non-sweets lover will talk about them.
How’d they do it?
- They obsessed over quality.
- They became the best solution in their niche.
- They made a product that is worth talking about.
The good news is that you can do the same thing.
By consistently delivering exceptional results, you'll become the go-to expert that customers can't help but rave about.

Take home point…
- Define who you’re talking to.
- Speak to their pain points.
- Be the best solution to the problem.
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