023 - 3 types of rest, human-centric business, and entrepreneurial wellness

023 - 3 types of rest, human-centric business, and entrepreneurial wellness

Entrepreneurial wellness is part of your wellbeing

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Episode Description

Here are my 3 biggest takeaways from my previous episode with Alex Morrall.

In This Episode:

00:47 - 3 types of rest

  • - Active rest - planning, prospecting, and research
  • - Functional rest - exercise, hobbies, reading, meditation
  • - True rest - the complete disconnect

05:00 - Building a human-centric business

  • - Who are you serving?
  • - Why have you chosen to serve them?
  • - What do you want to help them with?

07:06 - Entrepreneurial wellness

  • - Control your OWN destiny
  • - Find your own work/life balance
  • - Choose the people you work with
  • - Take on the risk and reap the rewards
  • - Challenge yourself
  • - Give back to your community
Corey sitting at his laptop with a gray shirt

Corey Hiben

Marketer & Podcaster

Corey is my name, but health & marketing is my game.

I help health brands attract leads with branding & design services.