
096 - How to have the best day ever with Joel Cochran of Proclivity

How to have the best day ever.

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Episode Description

Joel Cochran with Proclivity teaches us how to live the best day ever.

In This Episode:

03:20 - Forgetting to hit record

06:00 - Best day ever

10:00 - Pressure language

13:00 - Pressing into difficulty

15:00 - Being open vs. being vulnerable

18:30 - Breath & Dialogue

21:30 - Getting out of the victim mentality

25:20 - Soft language

28:30 - How to express your emotions

33:00 - Constriction before expansion

41:40 - Mental magic

44:20 - Nutritional coaching

49:00 - The Proclivity method

55:00 - Best 3 things you can do for your health

1:04:00 - Rapid fire questions

1:11:40 - Trust yourself




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Corey Hiben

Entrepreneur & Podcaster

Corey is my name, but health & technology is my game.

Helping health & fitness professionals grow their business by marketing their brand.