3 Tip Tuesday's: Become a master of ONE.
Sent by Corey Hiben
January 30, 2024
Marketing tips for health & fitness entrepreneurs
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Marketing Tips for Health & Fitness Brands”
Estimated read time: 1 minute & 41 seconds.
Hard truth.
You can’t help everyone.
Get the f*** over it.
Become a master of ONE.
1. ONE Person
STOP trying to serve everyone.
Nobody wants your subpar service.
When I started my business.
I tried to help everyone.
- Realtors.
- Travel agents.
- Photographers.
Only to end up providing an “ok” job.
OK jobs don’t lead to reviews.
OK jobs don’t lead to referrals.
OK jobs don’t lead to community.
OK jobs lead to a dead business.
The solution?
Say “no” to 99.9% of the people you could help so that you can say “yes” to the 0.1% of people that you should help.

2. ONE Community
STOP trying to be everywhere.
It only leads to burnout.
When I first moved to Austin.
I was a yes man… I’d say yes to everything.
- Facebook groups
- Group workouts.
- Meetup communities.
Fun? Yes.
Effective? No.
I’m now quick to say no.
It’s become my default response.
Saying no creates space.
Space for the right Facebook group.
Space for the right local community.
Space for the right Meetup group.
Say no to the 99.9% of communities you could be a part to create space to say yes to the 0.1% of communities you want to be a part of.

3. ONE Solution
STOP trying to solve multiple problems.
You can’t possibly be an expert on everything.
My girlfriend bought me a kettle.
I love this thing.
When the water starts to boil.
The lever automatically clicks off.
As I was using it to make my French Press one morning it got me wondering… how the hell does this thing work?
You’re probably thinking “a thermometer.”
The short story is the steam from the water goes down a tube that heats up a piece of metal that bends and turns the lever off.
Mind… exploded. 🤯
My point?
You don’t know diddly about almost everything on this planet.
Yet, we somehow think we can help our customers solve all of their problems.
Say no to the 99.9% of the problems you could solve so that you can focus on the 0.1% of problems you should solve.

Take home point…
- ONE customer
- ONE community
- ONE solution
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast

New Episode
A masterclass on networking and brand building with Eric Hinman

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